Owned and managed by Falklands Conservation New Island is a unique tourist destination in the Falklands as we are a non-profit charity. All funds generated from tourism are utilised to assist us in our research and conservation goals. When you visit New Island you are playing an important part in the protection and conservation of this globally important wildlife reserve.
The majority of visitors arrive by cruise ship as part of an itinerary taking them to the Falkland Islands, South Georgia and the Antarctic. New Island offers an exceptional wildlife experience with three landing sites: Settlement Rookery, Ship Harbour and North Beach, for either a half-day visit or a full day excursion visiting two of these beautiful sites with the opportunity for guided walks. Settlement Rookery with a visit to the Captain Barnard Museum is the most popular cruise ship destination. An approximately 20 minute walk over level ground takes you through a scenic plain of native fuegian couch grass ending with a wildlife rookery filled with black browed albatross, rockhopper penguins and king cormorants nestled on top of dramatic cliffs. A photographer’s paradise!
New Island also offers safe anchorage for yachts. Private yacht owners need to follow Falkland Islands Government customs and immigration procedures before entering the Falklands, once granted please email us for permission to visit. All visitors must practice good biosecurity procedures, which will be advised at the time.
Self-catering accommodation gives you the option to explore at your leisure the island’s stunning landscapes and extraordinary range of wildlife. We have a minimum 3-night stay. The Falkland Islands Government Airline Service (FIGAS) local flights are weather dependant with the airstrip operational only in specific wind directions, which can prevent landings for several days at a time. New Island’s airstrip limitations mean aircraft can only carry three passengers (or equivalent) per landing/take-off. Accommodation bookings of large groups are unfeasible at this time due to these limitations.
We currently accept bookings from Falkland Island residents or scientists, film crews and overseas tourists spending several weeks in the Falkland Islands and whose schedule is sufficiently flexible to allow for these possible delays. To book local flights please contact FIGAS.
The New Island Store offers a good range of dry and frozen food for your stay, however, it does not sell any fresh fruit, vegetables or alcohol. To help you with your planning we will email a store list. We recommend shipping out additional supplies via Concordia Bay, the local ferry and cargo service, which visits about once every six weeks. Of course you can also bring supplies as part of your luggage allowance on FIGAS, however, shipping out goods / buying goods from the shop that have been shipped out helps reduce your carbon footprint and assists with weight for FIGAS.
New Island is a certified member of the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) Safe Travels scheme and as such is recognised as a destination following enhanced cleaning and safety measures in all accommodation to ensure the comfort of our guests. More information can be found here.
We are committed to pro-active environmental measures in our site management. To achieve this we have recently invested in the installation of a new solar renewable energy system to minimise need for fossil fuel. We follow strong biosecurity protocols and are committed to the restoration of New Island. More information can be found here.
The island is a popular location for film crews who wish to film some of the most spectacular wildlife and scenery available in the Falklands archipelago.
Please contact the New Island Officers on newisland@conservation.org.fk to book your visit to New Island or for further enquiries. We look forward to hearing from you!
2022/23 season’s rates and more information about 4 x 4 tours, logistics and accommodation can be found here.
For more information regarding a wonderful holiday staying in Old Main House please click here.